30 Days Till Tomorrow

Joseph On First Day of Treatment
Joseph On First Day of Treatment

Highlight: Joseph had another good night. He was a bit fitful in his sleep, but over all did very well.

Highlight: Joseph officially started his formal, full-leukemia treatment yesterday and had a chemo treatment today. He had no adverse reaction to chemo.


When Joseph was admitted to the hospital just over a week ago he may have been a few hours or a couple of days from dying. Our Prayer was that the Lord would Preserve Joseph, and so He has to this day. Medical and Spiritual warfare have been fought for Joseph so that he might live to be treated for the Leukemia. Yesterday he formally entered into that full treatment process. Normally that treatment lasts 30 days, so Joseph will live in this isolation room for the next month as his bone marrow is scrubbed of Leukemia and his body is inspected with a fine-toothed chemical comb, seeking to purge his body of all leukemia. Then as the Leukemia is purged, we pray that his bone marrow will start to recover and he will start the long, slow process of building up healthy bone marrow while knocking down the leukemia’s efforts to return over the next 3 years.

Right now tests are away being evaluated to see if the Leukemia in Joseph’s body is the type that is receptive to treatment or resistant to treatment. These test results will have an impact on his treatment and potential side effects of the drugs used in his treatment. In general the more intense the treatment the higher the risk of bad side effects.

One result is back. Joseph’s bone marrow was 97% Leukemia cells upon admission to the hospital. That did not leave much room for normal bone marrow. We are told that this high level of “packing” is not unheard of in young children who arrive in a health crisis with Leukemia.

Today a social worker interviewed me to see how our family was holding up. As I shared with her how the Body of Christ has rallied around us tears began to well up in her eyes. When I described someone coming to our home to freshen the linens on our beds and tidy just to take the pressure off Kate, this social worker said, “That just runs a chill down my spine to think that there are people who really care so much”.  I have to say that Kate and I feel much the same way. We feel carried along in a strength not our own and supported and encouraged in ways that are beyond what we would ever imagine.

Joseph is looking bright and alert.  He ate a big breakfast and was playing at his toy kitchen and doing a bit of walking on the hall with me. We were told today that the treatment can result in some children forgetting how to walk, for a period of time. The doctors were pleased with our efforts to get Joseph on his feet and playing or walking.

After a bit of walking Joseph had another record-breaking lunch.

He received his chemo this afternoon and more steroids. When I asked the consultant (US specialist) today about what will be the biggest challenge we can expect, the answer was: “Infection” . It will always be lurking in the background for someone with a very low immune system (or no immune system). That is why the first 30 days of treatment is in the hospital. Afterward, if all goes well, Joseph can go home and receive many treatments as an outpatient but with some scheduled time in the hospital for segments of intense therapy to keep the leukemia knocked down.

6 thoughts on “30 Days Till Tomorrow

  1. As always your blog brings tears to my eyes. I am uplifted and inspired by your faith and composure during this time of trial. I am heartened by the many miracles wrought for Joseph by our Heavenly Father thus far and by the kindness shown by the body of Christ. We will continue to pray for Joseph every day.

    Nichola, Toronto

  2. I am praising the Lord for the demonstration of the love that brothers and sisters in Christ hold for each other and the impact of that witness to the world. I pray that there will be many more opportunities for this kind of Gospel presentation.

  3. I have a grandson just the same age as Joseph, and with lots of curly hair like Joseph’s. Your story and the photo of Joseph brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart.
    So, it is with much love for your little boy that I pray for him and for you at each thought of you. Your precious child and his bout with cancer was brought to my awareness through an email from our Sunday School class at Briarwood Pres. in Bham. Please know that I am continuing to pray for you and your family and am reading the updates each day. I’ll look forward to meeting you and your precious little Joseph some day soon!

  4. Father God, King of the Universe I just love you! I love that you know and care for little Joseph by your grace given him through your Son Jesus’ death and resurrection. How merciful and lovely is your Son Jesus! In him is life giving, overcoming power and through his name he brings honor and glory to your name Most High God! Thank you for the grace that has enabled Joseph to be alive today. Thank you for the Holy Spirit working in and through faith in Jesus that results in signs and wonders in Joseph’s wee body. Bless you Father! The Kingdom is at hand, I welcome your Kingdom to continue to reign in Joseph and in the treatments and in the medical and other staff who witness the blessings you bring. Thank you for the good news of the Kingdom of God that healing and wholeness are the by product of faith in your Son Jesus that in his death he overcame all death and anything that produces death to the glory of you Father. I continue to pray your Kingdom’s reign in Joseph that your good and perfect and loving will for wholeness and health be done here in Joseph as it is in heaven in and through your Son Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Thank you for those who are upholding Joseph’s parents because of the love they have for them and you Father. Thank you for re-filling these parents with faith on a moment’s notice and their witness to your glory through these messages! Glory to you Father. May everyone bless your name, through Jesus I pray.

  5. Our prayers are with your family. We will continue praying for all of you and hope we will meet some day in future. Both our families together. It will be very good day 🙂

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