For all those who prayed for Joseph for his lumbar puncture, he did very well. He did not complain of hunger or thirst in the fasting time and came through the procedure very well.
We are posting this quickly today because Joseph will go in for a check up in an hours time. The tummy bug ran through our house two weeks ago and Joseph did not have any sickness at all. We were amazed at how he got through that time. Now, two weeks later Joseph has been sick (vomiting). He is having a hard time keeping food and fluids on his tummy. We will go in for check up and a blood test where he can be isolated and not place other children with compromised immune systems at risk. Joseph really has not been ill this past year, so this is a big change for him. There is every reason to hope that this will pass with no serious consequences but because of Jospeh’s weakened immune system we take anything like this seriously.
Please pray that Joseph will soon recover from this and it have not long lasting effect. Please pray also that he does not develop any secondary issues due to his weak immune system.
This afternoon I think back to Jairus in the Bible who sought out Jesus when his little girl was sick. Jairus knew that Jesus was full of compassion and He was not just a last chance for his little girl but the best person they could reach out to.
Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. Matthew 5:22
Jairus recognised that he had no power to help his child, but he also recognised that Jesus was fully able to do anything. So Jairus’ response to this situation was to humbly ask for Jesus help and we think that was a great idea. So we too humbly ask for Jesus’ help and would ask that you would do so as well.
Thank you for your prayers for Joseph.
Praying for the miraculous healing power of the triumphant Christ Child to be on your precious child. May you all know the presence and peace of our Lord and King, especially during this Advent season. Standing in prayer with you.
Janet Vest