Prayer Request : Joseph will have his last Lumbar Puncture with chemo for his central nervous system. He will also have a last bone marrow sample taken to confirm that his leukemia is in remission. It will be a day of fasting for Joseph so please pray for a good day for him, no complications from the procedure and a good report on his bone marrow sample.
This past week Joseph’s neutrophils came up a couple of more ticks from .8 to 1.0. This was good news and meant that he can have his last lumbar puncture on Monday the 5th of December as planned.
It is a big day for Joseph and us as a family. Once he has the procedure he continues to take oral chemo on a daily basis until the 27th of December – when he will be taken off all chemo and his immune system will begin its recovery process.
Thank you for praying for Joseph.
Dear Ed,
Joe and I are and have been praying for sweet Joseph. We pray that all will go well today and he will return home to enjoy his special Brothers and Sister. What a battle you all have been through. Know you, as we do, give OUR LORD ALL THE GLORY!