Highlight : Joseph was taken off IV fluids today, so he no longer has tubes stringing from his arm all the time.
We are waiting for the schedule of treatment. In the meantime Joseph has had a great day. Thank you for praying.
Prayer Request : please continue to pray for the chemo treatment that will come sometime today, many unknowns to us.
Breakfast was toast, porridge, and milk, and Joseph enjoyed every crumb – literally. At one point it seemed that he noticed the crumbs on his plate. All his attention was focused on them after that. He would gather them together and slowly work his way across his plate, gobbling them up.
After breakfast was the doctor’s visit, and it was during this time they decided to remove the IV fluids. Joseph was amazed to have his arm back without tubes dangling from it. After this we had the stories of Abraham, Jacob and Joseph from the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Then Joseph stood up and we walked hand-in-hand across the floor and into the hall and common area in the ward. This was the farthest Joseph has walked in a couple of weeks. He was a bit tottery but really enjoyed walking. He then found some building blocks and started to play. After a good round of play it was time for lunch, and again Joseph ate well in the new highchair.
Then it was time for another story from the Jesus Storybook Bible, and he asked to lie in his bed and for me to sing to him. After a few songs he drifted off to sleep. Now he is resting quietly.
All day he has had a good and peaceful time, not aware of anything pending later that might be unpleasant. That knowledge was mine to carry. It reminded me that the Lord knew that this time of crisis with Joseph would come in our lives and He spared us the burden of it. We would have thought about how difficult it would be, but would not have guessed at the amazing support and encouragement from the Body of Christ. We could live without fear in the care of our Father as He knew all that we would encounter. He had grace and help ready for our day of need.
Thank you for praying for Joseph, this has been a good and peaceful day for him rather than one of fear.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3) – truly ‘Stayed upon Jehovah’ as you sang in recent days.
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. Isaiah 64:4
Ed, thank you for faithfully updating us so we can pray over these specific needs. Give our love to Kate. Everyone in the Family Life Class wishes we could be with you to help with the practical, day-to-day needs. So grateful to read that God is using the Body there is meet them.
Wanted you to know that Joseph, you and family constantly remain in my thoughts and prayers. I also pray for wisdom for the doctors as they treat Joseph,