A Day Of Consolidation

Joseph is Still Alive!

Highlight of the day : The indicators of infection in his blood had decreased last night. It was the lowest level since arrival. If this trend were to continue they would feel they had the infection “contained”.

Praise : Lower Infection Indicators, could be pointing to a good trend. 

Prayer Request : That the infection will be stopped and destroyed 


Today started off restfully. Joseph slept until about 10 am. After that he was up for some breakfast. A big drink of milk where he was holding the cup and a big drink of water and some oatmeal (porridge in the UK). His mouth was sore so it made it hard to really enjoy the porridge.

Praise : That Joseph has a good interest in food and desires to feed himself.

The doctors reviewed his status this morning and felt there was good progress overall  but that Joseph was a complex case and they are taking special measures not to overload his wee body.

One thing that came out of the discussion this morning was the value of play for sick children. They told me that one of the indicators of how well a child was doing was the desire to play. So later in the day a play therapist came by with some things for Joseph to try out. It did not work very well as he was in bed on his back. But tomorrow friends are planning to bring a highchair for him to try.

Praise: For friends and professionals who want to help Joseph play and eat on his own.

After his nap this afternoon he was very agitated. His face was very itchy which may be due to the skin being less tight than  before. He was also rubbing his head and neck and chin. The nurse gave him a medicine to fight the itchy feeling and some pain relief. After that he settled in on my knee for some stories from the Jesus Storybook Bible and then fell asleep. He is sleeping now peacefully as I write this.

Joseph continues to retain excess fluids so he now is getting a medicine to help him reduce the water load. He also really needs a bowel movement. I think that would help him feel better in general and the doctors are working on that as well. I had a chat with one of the doctors this evening and all is organs are functioning normally and they feel his body is coping well to the treatment.

Prayer Request: That Joseph will be able to clear his tummy and expel more water.

We continue to be blessed by the great outpouring of prayer from around the world.

2 thoughts on “A Day Of Consolidation

  1. Dear Ed & Kate. Our words are never sufficient but we know we are created by The Lord who rules in heaven and earth. Evelyn and I uphold you all in prayer, as do other fellow believers.
    He has told us, My grace is sufficient for you, may you know it at this time.

  2. Whatever the outcome, however many days or years Joseph has on this earth, he is blessed to have you for a daddy. You are showing him his Heavenly Father in such a beautiful way. God has taught you to number your days to present to Him a heart of wisdom and now it shows. And you are being blessed as you minister to this precious gift of God. Just know we are holding up your weary arms from across the ocean. You all are on the hearts, minds and tongues of all who love you here and many who don’t know you as well. Carolyn Phillips sent me a note that she is praying in Uganda. All over the world…glory to our Great God.

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