At the end of February we were able to have a Time of Gratitude at the Ulster Transportation Museum. This was a time to express our gratitude to all of you have have supported and encouraged us during the 3 years of Joseph’s treatment as well as our gratitude to the the Lord of his kindness to us.
We had a special surprise – the Belfast Community Gospel Choir came to sing and express joy with us.
For those who were not able to join us that night we have a link to the video of the event.
We also produced a booklet that was distributed on the night that we are offering to you for free that is in PDF. You can download that here..
We hope that you will reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness to you as you hear the testimony of his kindness to our family.
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1